Kristana Rogers

District 3 Director

Kristana Rogers


Biographical Information
Kristana Rogers is the Wake County Public Schools Senior Administrator for Secondary Science.  She received a BS in Chemistry in 2001, a Masters in School Administration in 2008 and a Masters in Business Administration in 2020.  She is an Education Workforce Innovation Grant Awardee (on behalf of WCPSS) focused on integrating high quality and engaging curricular materials to increase engagement and interest in STEM based Careers.  She has presented at both the NCSTA and NSTA conferences.  She is a National Trainer for the Reading Apprenticeship Framework (WestEd).
Kristana’s career work has centered around developing, advocating, and providing high quality science resources and professional learning to empower teachers. As a science teacher in both VA & NC, she engaged in curriculum writing in science that supported inquiry-based teaching and integrating real-life experiences into science instruction through the development of a legal studies curriculum and forensic science course. As a school-based administrator at the high school level, she built a deep understanding of curriculum and instruction that has helped me to coach and lead teachers toward student success, both inside and outside of science. She learned that connections were key; both between administrators and teachers, teachers and students, and teachers to teachers. It is in these connections that educators learn and grow together toward improvement. As a district leader, she has combined her learning as a teacher and administrator to advocate for the needs of science. She has worked to provide high quality resources for her teachers, both through the development of curriculum and through meaningful professional learning opportunities. For the last five years she has served as the Regional Director for the Raleigh Regional Science Olympiad Tournament. This tournament hosts over 80 Middle School and High School Teams annually. In 2018, she worked with the K-12 science team to establish the Science Core Leadership Team (SCLT), a team of teacher leaders in science across the district. This team has engaged in professional learning together, and from this learning, developed and provided professional learning to science teachers across the district. They serve as the “teacher voice” in the decision-making process and advocates for science in the district. In 2020, she led a team of science educators to design the NC Science Summit, a virtual professional learning day for science teachers across NC. The summit connected 839 NC Science teachers with teacher presenters and scientists across the state to learn about best practices in remote learning, equity in science and key topics in science, which overwhelming received high praise from teacher participants.’
Mission Statement
As an educator, I have had the honor to serve as a high school science teacher, assistant principal and principal of a high school and a district administrator. In each of these roles I have been able to take away a deep understanding of how science curriculum, instruction, professional learning, and leadership opportunities impact the quality of the science experience for the student in the classroom. Throughout my career, I have worked to equip and empower science teachers by advocating for resources, professional learning and leadership opportunities that help teachers to grow professionally. As District 3 Director, I will continue to look for ways to connect NC teachers, provide high quality professional learning opportunities, and find ways to empower and elevate the “voice” of science teachers across the state.